The dataset is small so it is available directly with the package (no download required). It includes three variables:

  1. nbf: Index of net business formation (1967=100)
  2. nbi: Number of new business incorporations (number)
  3. cbf: Current liabilities of business failures, NSA (mil. $)

Load it with:

##      date_ym nbf_annual   nbf nbi_annual   nbi cbf_annual    cbf
##   1:  194801      101.1 115.7      95462  9380      234.6   13.0
##   2:  194802      101.1 107.5      95462  8329      234.6   25.6
##   3:  194803      101.1 105.0      95462  8349      234.6   17.5
##   4:  194804      101.1 104.5      95462  8396      234.6   15.3
##   5:  194805      101.1 103.7      95462  8064      234.6   13.8
##  ---                                                            
## 560:  199408      125.5 125.8     741059 64844    28943.9 2106.8
## 561:  199409      125.5 125.3     741059 64564    28943.9 3434.0
## 562:  199410      125.5 124.6     741059 60488    28943.9 2023.1
## 563:  199411      125.5 127.9     741059 64542    28943.9 2511.8
## 564:  199412      125.5 127.3     741059 62908    28943.9 3108.0

The data has both monthly and annual frequency component:

There is also a function like the other in this package to access an interval:

Note that the data only extends to 1994 (included).

Quick summary stats:

From the original file, we have the sources of the information gathered here:

  • Mr. Neil DiBernardo (new business incorporations and business failures), The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation, Economic Analysis Department (Other component data are not available to the public.)

  1. Erik Loualiche