The goal here is to use lagged industry shares at the regional level and aggregate changes in an output variable to generate cross-regional variation. We will show the example of employment which is easily done with the County Business Pattern (CBP)

There are essentially two steps:

  1. Downloading and cleaning the data
  2. Estimating the shares and aggregate changes to construct the shock.

We are going to use the following libraries


1. Downloading the data

The CBP includes sic code from 1986 to 1997 and naics code from 1998 to 2016. This forces us to break the aggregation of the dataset into two parts.

Create the cross-regional variation

First we create the shares of employment for a given industry in the region:

dt_emp_sic[, share_ind_cty := emp / fipsemp ]
dt_emp_sic[, l_share_ind_cty := tlag(share_ind_cty, 1, time = date_y), by = .(fips, sic) ]

dt_emp_naics[, share_ind_cty := emp / fipsemp ]
dt_emp_naics[, l_share_ind_cty := tlag(share_ind_cty, 1, time = date_y), by = .(fips, naics) ]

Then we create a variable that include employment in all regions except the current one and estimate the growth of employment

dt_emp_sic[, fipsemp_clean := fipsemp - emp ]
dt_emp_sic[, d_fipsemp     := log(fipsemp_clean / tlag(fipsemp_clean, 1, time = date_y)), by = .(fips, sic) ]

dt_emp_naics[, fipsemp_clean := fipsemp - emp ]
dt_emp_naics[, d_fipsemp     := log(fipsemp_clean / tlag(fipsemp_clean, 1, time = date_y) ), by = .(fips, naics) ]

Finally we weight the aggregate change in employment at the industry level by the local industry shares from above:

dt_emp_sic[, .(d_emp = wtd.mean(d_fipsemp, l_share_ind_cty, na.rm = T)), by = .(date_y, fips) ]
dt_emp_naics[, .(d_emp = wtd.mean(d_fipsemp, l_share_ind_cty, na.rm = T)), by = .(date_y, fips) ]

To obtain the whole time series we simply append them together

dt_bartik <-
  rbind(dt_emp_sic[, .(d_emp = wtd.mean(d_fipsemp, l_share_ind_cty, na.rm = T)), by = .(date_y, fips) ],
        dt_emp_naics[, .(d_emp = wtd.mean(d_fipsemp, l_share_ind_cty, na.rm = T)), by = .(date_y, fips) ])

  1. Erik Loualiche